Monday, December 7, 2009

Figuring Out the Curriculum, part 1

So I have been reading everything I can get my hands on regarding homeschooling, looking at a gazillion blogs (lots of good stuff out there!) and talking to a few Mamas I know who have done it. There are so many curriculum options! Do I "start" the official schooling next year when Bear is 5 or wait? Am I behind already because I have not been doing specific studies? Will I scar him if I try to make him read or write too early? Aghhhhh!
After taking a break from the homeschool brain saturation I have decided to make a general plan. I will get a few aids I have read about, make up some unit studies, pick and choose from various book lists and use the ol' internet for lots of free stuff.
Here are some sites I have stumbled upon offering free resources:

Now... what from these sites will I use? Not sure yet. I need to make a getaway date for myself to start the serious planning. I will post an update for The Homeschol Plan of Action when I get it together.
I plan to use a lot of hands on learning, as well. Play, play, play!
In a future post I will explain my grand ideas for organization. I'm a little giddy about that one.

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