Thursday, February 18, 2010

Family activities for Lent

I looked all over the internet for a list of family activities to do each day of Lent.  I really want to embrace this season- for me and my family.  I found tid bits here and there, but no actual calendar I could use.  There was a catholic one that was nice, but several dates included activities we do not do (rosary prayers, etc.).  So, I just made my own list. 
17- Family prayer and scripture reading Luke 4:1-13 (reading list)  and mark on hand cross in ashes
18- Make cardboard cross & hang (use to decorate throughout the season)
19- Play fruit of the Spirit game
20- Make a bouquet to give someone (using branches from bush in yard)
21- Start using special candle at meals to represent Light of Christ
22- Pray for earthquake recovery efforts in Haiti- talk about people in need all over the world
23- Invent a new family prayer
24-Make/ decorate a giving bank; collect change for offering
25- Say spontaneous prayer before meals
26- Pray for people with financial needs
27- Family time outside- see God in creation, collect things
28- Talk about Jesus, put up a picture
1- Pick out 2 stuffed animals or other toys to give away
2- Share Day!  Practice sharing all day
3-  Make a list of nice things about each family member
4- Imitate Peter- swim in the bathtub, use creative toys
5-  Do extra chores to earn for offering
6- Go to the park & pray for people
7- Use greeting "Christ is Risen!"  "He is Risen Indeed!"
8-  Write a letter/ draw a picture to Jesus thanking him for his sacrifice on the cross
9-  Make cookies/ bread, deliver some to a neighbor
10-  Wear gold or purple, talk about the meaning
11- Make tissue flowers for the cardboard cross
12-  Make a banner "He is Risen!"
13- Everyone do a special act of love to someone else in family
14-  Plant an Easter garden
15- Easter craft
16- Make a badge "Be a good Helper" and do it all day
17- Praise God every time you see a bird (or something you will see several times in the day)
18-  Put together a donation box (canned goods, clothes, etc.)
19- Make paper crosses and write "He died for me" on them.  Hang throughout the house.  I will use white cardstock and let him decorate with water colors.
20- Throw water ballons- talk about baptism
21- Work on a scripture memory
22-  Make resurrection cards to send to family
23- Practice Easter program songs
24- Find fresh flowers to bring inside
25-  Visit someone
26- Walk to mailbox, mail cards
27- Easter Egg roll in front yard
28- Start lighting candles in Easter garden (one a day up to Friday)
29-  Take a walk and look for new life, take pictures
30- Dance to Easter music (Handel's Messiah, etc.)
31- Spend family prayer time in circle
1- Wash and dry each other's feet
2- Don't use overhead lights to represent darkeness after the crucifixtion
3- Praying about these still!

Of course things may come up and I might have to adapt, switch around, etc. and I'm sure I will see some good ideas pop up online!  I just like having a plan to go by. 

He's alive, alive, alive forevermore!  My Jesus is alive!

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