Monday, February 7, 2011

Pine Trees

For our nature study this past week we worked with pine trees and cones.  We went on a nature walk the first day.  It was cold and drizzly- fortunately there are pine trees close by.

Cheesy brothers...

We collected pine cones (opened and closed), pine needle bunches and bark.

Our next activity was to check it all out with a magnifying glass.

He also did crayon rubbings of the pine cone, needles and bark in his nature journal.  Forgot to take a picture of that!

Another day we painted using the pine needles as the brush.

Our last activity was to watercolor a picture of a pine cone with needles.  I printed off a coloring book page and traced it in pencil on thick paper. 

And what, one may wonder, was Luke doing during all this creativity? 

Dreams of organized tot trays filled with learning experiences still float in my head... for now this totally counts as reading practice.